Register For Falcon Athletic Boosters Club
The athletic programs at Severna Park High School offer our students an outstanding opportunity. Academic excellence,sportsmanship and competition are the common goals of this school's administration, coaching staff and Falcon Athletic Booster Club. As a result, our athletes are dedicated students who participate on teams which have repeatedly won County, Regional and state titles. We are very proud of our rich heritage and of the student athletes who have shown dedication to their sport, to each other and to personal improvement.
The Anne Arundel County School Board provides funding for high school team sports. However, the amount of funding provided by the county is insufficient to cover the full costs of uniforms, equipment, transportation and field maintenance. Each school must raise the additional funds required to support its teams and pay for capital improvements that benefit all students. The Falcon Athletic Booster Club exists to help Severna Park High School meet these additional funding challenges. SPHS Athletic Boosters also awards $6,000 annually in scholarships. We count on your continued support through your membership in this organization, participation in fund raising activities, and your attendance at sporting events.
Your family membership is good for the entire school year and for multiple sports. It includes all fall, winter and spring sports.
If your team has 100% membership participation, $12.50 per player is deposited into your team account. If your team has 20 athletes on the roster and 100% membership is achieved, that means that $250 will be awarded to that team's Booster account for use at their discretion!
Please support our teams...become a Falcon Booster Club member today!
Member Information
Additional Parent
Select Membership
Level 1 - Basic Membership - $50.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Level 2 - Bronze Membership - $75.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Level 3 - Silver Membership - $100.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Level 4 - Gold Membership - $250.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Level 5 - Platinum Membership - $500.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Level 6 - Hall of Fame (Lifetime Membership) - $1,000.00 (USD)

Subscription period: Unlimited